What is the "Table de concertation de la rivière des Outaouais"?

Crédit photo: COBALI


In 2020, the Minister of Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MELCC: Ministère de l’Environnement et la Lutte contre les changements climatiques) commissioned the Association of Quebec Watershed Organizations (ROBVQ: Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec) to put forward a project aimed at creating a governing structure to implement integrated water resource management of the fluvial section of the Ottawa River in Quebec.

The objective was to create an inter-regional space for exchanges and consultation around issues affecting the Quebec fluvial section of the Ottawa River. As part of the 2018-2030 Quebec Water Strategy, this project is responding to a component of the 2018-2023 action plan “Ensure and strengthen the integrated management of water resources“.

More specifically, the project aims to lead to the development (portrait and diagnosis) of an integrated water resources management plan for the fluvial section of the Ottawa River and to set up a collegial governance structure, stemming a concerted effort between the partners involved.

Photo credit: OBV RPNS

Governance Structure

The working group has focused on setting up a collegial governance structure. A representative was chosen to direct an interim committee which subsequently became the coordinating body to coordinate the Consultation Table for the Ottawa River (TCO: Table de concertation de la rivière des Outaouais). Forthwith, the watershed organization of Rivière Rouge, Petite Nation et Saumon (OBV RPNS) was selected for this role.

The composition of the TCO, whose founding meeting was held on April 21st 2022, prioritizes varied representation within their comity. Representatives from municipal, economic, community and Aboriginal sectors are distributed among seats identified, with sub-sectors of activity having a link with the water resource of the Ottawa River. A total of 19 seats are available within the TCO.

Photo credit: Ville de Gatineau


The targeted zone associated with the work of the TCO begins upstream of the Première-Chute dam, located in Notre-Dame-du-Nord, and ends downstream of the Carillon dam in Saint-André-d’Argenteuil. The targeted zone includes not only the waterway but also a 1,500 m strip of land adjacent to the river on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River.

Integrated Management Plan

One of the mandates the TCO is currently working on is the creation of an integrated management plan for the Ottawa River. The document was initially started by the interim working group, in particular by holding consultations in 2021 to determine which issues to prioritize in the targeted zone. Of the seven issues presented to the comity during the prioritization exercise, three were retained. Then, from April 2021 until March 2022, the working group was put to the task of producing the diagnosis of the prioritized issues. Along the way, a decision was made to split one of the issues into two, producing four in total:

  • Floods
  • Impairment of water quality
  • Degradation of wetlands
  • Degradation of wildlife and plant habitats

Since April 2022, the group has been working to improve the portrait of the Ottawa River, to complete the diagnosis of the four targeted problems and to consolidate directives which will ultimately lead the determination of objectives and an action plan. The implementation of the action plan will be ensured by the stakeholders.

The integrated management plan is recognized by the “Water Act” and represents one of the mechanisms by which the integrated management of water resources takes place in Quebec. Considering that the use of water is common to everyone in Quebec, the participation, involvement, mobilization and consultation of all stakeholders are the elements at the heart of the integrated water resources management approach.

To advance in the achievement of the mission of the TCO, namely “To promote discussion and consultation between stakeholders to attain concerted objectives related to the issues concerning the Ottawa River”, the representatives of the TCO have determined a vision to help generate mobilization and guide decisions.

Place the Ottawa River back at the heart of the decisions and concerns of the various stakeholders who have an influence on its integrity.

Photo credit: OBV RPNS

Learn More…

In the section “La Table” of the “À propos” tab, you can see all the seats that make up the Table as well as the names of the representatives (in French only).

In the tab “Plan de gestion intégrée”, the portrait of the targeted zone can be consulted (in French only).

In the “Thématiques” tab, multiple information is available on different themes related to the Ottawa river’s health (in French only).

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